Instructions for installing the ETN Floppy disk =============================================== 1. Download all 12 files from: 2. Copy them directly to a floppy disk in the A> or B> drive. If you copy the files to your hard disk first, you must copy them later to a floppy disk in your A> or B> drive. Installation is only possible from the A> or B> drive !! 3. Exit your Windows program completely. You must go to the DOS prompt: C:\> DON'T go to DOS via Windows, you must exit Windows ! 4. Get the DOS prompt which includes your hard disk letter, for example: C:\> or D:\> or E:\> or F:\> If you see C:\WINDOWS>, you must type: CD\ 5. To start installation, type: INSTALL A: C: A: must be replaced by B: if your floppy disk drive has this letter. C: must be replaced by D: or E: or F: if your hard disk has any of these letters. 6. The program will now be installed on your hard disk, and will create a directory called: C:\ETNDIR> 7. To start the program, type HOTELS at the C:\ETNDIR> prompt. All files will be automatically indexed by Hotel Name, City Name and Country Name. 8. With the Printing Facility you can print a private directory for any (part of a) City or Country or Postal Code Area you want. 9. This directory can be printed directly, or saved as a file to your hard disk with a name you choose plus TXT extension. This text file can be read and printed by any text editor you have.