You are here: ETN Home Page > ETN's Virtual Offices
Welcome to ETN's Virtual Offices
The main purpose of this page is to show travel agents and passengers the low-cost communication tools which are currently available on the Internet.
  1. Send ETN an Email Message
  2. Send ETN a Video+Voice Message from your computer Our email: etnphone at gmail dot com
  3. Chat with ETN from your computer
  4. Who is Ad Latjes President of ETN
  5. Location of the ETN Head Office

4. _ Who is Ad Latjes _ President of ETN
Since 1971, Ad Latjes, President of European Travel Network, has been at the forefront of the international travel scene, introducing new trendsetting products, innovative (marketing) techniques, and organizing international cooperation.
Click here to read his story
5. _ Location of the ETN Head Office
The ETN Head Office is surrounded by rain forest, has a great view over the jungle and Pacific Ocean and has a daily monkey hour.....
Click here to visit our office

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